Mineral processing factory

The gold processing factory by flotation method in the mining area was overhauled in 1395 and mineral mining and in the second half of 1396 , with the presence of the deputy minister of mines and mining industries , the ministry of industry , mines and trade was put into operation on a trialbasis.
Due to environmental limitations and pollutants related to the use of cyanide in gold processing, the company implemented an environmentally friendly flotation method at the factory.
The ore extracted from the mine after crushing, grinding and milling to perform the flotation process is artificially sulfurized using sodium sulfide and for flotation and separation of gold minerals, after a separation step in the gravity separation unit ,it is guided to the flolation cells by the Humphrey helix and the vibration method. The gravity phase didn׳t use any chemicals and the method is based only on the density difference between the valuable porticles and the waste . The flotation step is performed using 3 parts: ruffer,scavenger and cleaner and the resulting concentre is extracted using concentre filterpress.The final waste obtained after filtering and separating the solid and liquid phases,while separating 85% of the required waste water,is produced with a humidity below 20% and is sent to the tailings dam for disposal.